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Although we aren’t gathering in person this year for our annual Inside Outside Family Day Festival with the Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club, we want to make sure our community can still get outside and explore the rich history of Dundas! You can download our ‘Black History in Dundas Walking Tour’ to explore 11 sites significant to Black History in Dundas.
Take a picture of you and your family at one of the sites or completing one of the ’10 Ways to Help Your Community, While You Explore’ between Thursday, February 17, and Monday, February 28 for your chance to win one of three fantastic prize packs! To be entered, post your picture on Facebook or Instagram and tag Dundas Museum or submit it directly to us with the form below!
Special this year, the three prize packs available are Blk Owned Hamilton’s BLK History Month Boxes + Youth Bundle. The prizes were purchased from Blk Owned with funding generously provided by our friends at Dundas Valley Sunrise Rotary Club. To learn more about Blk Owned, check out their website and shop at blkowned.ca.
Funding for this Family Day activity is provided by the Hamilton Community Foundation Dougher Fund.