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The Dundas Museum & Archives is hosting a firearms training course this November 1, 2 & 3 (Wednesday – Friday). The course is delivered by the Niagara Training Academy and firearms instructor Alessandro Albano. The course is designed to help museum professionals obtain their Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) by completing both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC).
Firearm training courses typically run on weekends, but this workshop has been designed to help busy museum workers complete the required training during the work week. Registration is $280/person + transaction fees.
This combined CFSC & CFSC training is made up of lectures and hands-on practical work in the safe handling of non-restricted firearm (typically shotguns and rifles used for hunting and target shooting) and restricted firearms (typically handguns). Prohibited firearms are discussed, but no actual prohibited firearms will be used during the practical training portion. At the conclusion of the course, students participate in a written review and practical evaluation. Successful completion of these courses is required to apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence to acquire & handle non-restricted, restricted or prohibited firearms and ammunition.
For registration and more information visit our Eventbrite page. Feel free to get in touch with any questions.