Parallel Destinies Speaker Series - Creating a Culture: A Musical Equivalent

Parallel Destinies Speaker Series

The Dundas Museum and Archives invites you to join us this summer for the Parallel Destinies Speaker Series and celebrate our artistic heritage.

The Parallel Destinies Speaker Series will explore the lives and careers of the two great Canadian landscape artists Homer Watson (1855-1936) and Carl Ahrens (1862-1936). These insightful and entertaining talks will highlight the similarities and differences, to make their work known, understood and appreciated.

There are three events scheduled for this summer.

We begin each with an exclusive up close and personal tour of the show led by Sandu Sindile, our Collections Manager and the curator of the exhibit. A lecture will follow the tour. The evening concludes with refreshments, and more time for questions and reflections.

As a bonus, if you are the proud owner of artwork by Homer Watson or Carl Ahrens, you are invited to bring it along for a “show and tell”. Sandu will be happy to speak with you about your piece and you may learn something you didn’t know!


  1. Creating a Culture: A Musical Equivalent to “Parallel Destinies” presented by the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.

Thursday, August 20, from 5-8 pm. Lecture begins at 6.00pm.

The Dundas Museum and Archives’ exhibit “Parallel Destinies” will compare the lives and work of two great Canadian landscape artists, but do these influential artists have an equivalent parallel figure in Canadian music?  Join HPO Composer-in-Residence, Abigail Richardson-Schulte, as she explores the development of Canadian music with the fascinating story of Sir Ernest MacMillan.  Hear how his dramatic imprisonment during WWI led to an astounding impact on the development of Canada’s musical scene upon his return.   MacMillan did so much for the development of culture in Canada, he was even knighted for his efforts.  Just over a hundred years after the beginning of his imprisonment, join Abigail as she gives a current perspective on the organizations and infrastructure he helped to develop, which are still a backbone of Canadian culture today.

The Parallel Destinies Speaker Series is free. A suggested donation of $10 for each event will support the exhibition program of the Dundas Museum & Archives.

Interested in the rest of our Speaker Series? Here’s the links to Kim Bullock’s presentation and rych mills’.