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The staff and board of the Dundas Museum and Archives would like to wish our community a very happy Pride! At the Museum, we aim to create a community space where everyone feels welcomed for who they are, regardless of gender expression or sexual orientation.
Our artifact and archival collections are sadly sparse when it comes to the documentation of local LGBTQ2+ people, groups and organizations, and we’re always trying to expand our collection to tell a wider variety of stories from the valley. If you or your family have any LGBTQ2+ stories, artifacts or images related to Dundas, please share them with us! Both historical and contemporary collecting are important elements of gaining a more complete picture of life in Dundas.
While the Museum’s collections may not currently be particularly informative on the subject of local LGBTQ2+ history, other archives have dedicated collections which may shed more light!
“Pride Through History”: The YWCA’s group speqtrum holds regular LGBT2+ events in Hamilton, including this month’s Newcomer Welcome event being held tomorrow, Wednesday, June 15th, which will include games and discussion on “Pride Through History.” spectrum.ca
HPL LGBT2SQ+ Community Archive: In 2018 the Hamilton Public Library, based on the acquisition of the Michael Johnston papers, created an LGBT2SQ+ Community Archive, housed at their Central Library’s History & Archives department. More information is here: buildingthearchive.hamont.org
The ArQuives: A national LGBTQ2+ archive originally founded in 1973 (located in Toronto but with a number of online exhibits here: digitalexhibitions.arquives.ca as well as online descriptions and finding aids).
Below is a collection of groups and organizations specifically serving the LGBTQ2+ community of Dundas and Hamilton
YWCA speqtrum: A program of YWCA Hamilton that is youth-founded and youth-focused, speqtrum focuses on skill-sharing and community building for 2S-LGBTQIA+ young people in Hamilton. speqtrum.ca
AFFIRM: An organization that seeks to integrate identity affirmation with cognitive-behavioural interventions that are already known to work, presented as an 8-session series targeted at LGBTTQQ2SA+ youth and adults and geared towards reducing depression and enhancing coping skills while validating the strengths of participants. www.projectyouthaffirm.org
PFlag Canada (Hamilton/Wentworth Chapter): A national organization that offers peer-to-peer support striving to help all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. We support, educate and provide resources to anyone with questions or concerns. pflagcanada.ca
Queer Ontario: A provincial network of gender and sexually diverse individuals — and their allies — who are committed to questioning, challenging, and reforming the laws, institutional practices, and social norms that regulate queer people. queerontario.org/
Kyle’s Place: Although no longer operating a physical location, the organization can be contacted remotely, and promotes community access to resources, particularly for community members who are marginalized due to race, class, age, mental health, or ability. They offer non-perishables and grocery gift cards, no-cost gender gear and financial support for name and gender marker changes.
Positive Space Network: A group building community and creating safer spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24 by creating youth-focused programming, providing mental health support and cultivating community partnerships. positivespacenetwork.ca
LGBT Youthline: A youth-led organization providing peer-to-peer support for 2SLGBTQ+ youth across Ontario since 1994. www.youthline.ca
Pride Hamilton: A volunteer-run group dedicated to organizing Pride events throughout the year. www.pridehamilton.com
The AIDS Network (Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand, Norfolk & Brant): Provides support services to people living with and affected with HIV and AIDS and populations vulnerable to HIV infection. aidsnetwork.ca/need-help/hamilton-support-services/
The Recovery Village has put together some information regarding substance use, abuse and treatment for LGBTQ2+ individuals, who are at a higher risk of misuse from an earlier age, as well as facing greater mental health challenges due to loneliness, ostracization, and societal and family pressures. www.therecoveryvillage.com/resources/lgbtq/