Three Artists for Jade Now Open

Three Artists for Jade is now open! The art show features several beautiful pieces, with all proceeds going towards health care treatments for a 3 year old girl named Jade. Come out to support this wonderful cause. Below is a description, submitted by her family:

Our beautiful little three year-old has a happy smile for all. The hard thing is that Jade was born with a very rare, spontaneous, genetic mutation called Aicardi Syndrome that only affects girls. This syndrome is marked by agenisis of the corpus callosum (partially formed only) and many seizures on a daily basis. These factors – especially the seizures – cause developmental delay in varying degrees. As a result, speaking and walking are major issues in her development. The medications that help to control, but not yet eliminate, her seizures are expensive. So too are the therapies that could help control the seizures and help to overcome the delay in walking. The therapies (acupuncture and a specialized physio-therapy called Move to Learn) are becoming prohibitive without financial help. That is why this Art for Jade fundraiser is so important and we thank you for your support.